About Us
Frequent Q's & A’s
Where is St. Mark’s?
St. Mark’s offices and buildings are located on the southeast side of Corpus Christi, near the intersection of Saratoga and Airline Road. Our address is 2727 Airline Road, across from Gill’s Nursery.
What is your membership like?
We are an evolving mid-sized congregation of people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. We are blessed with an unusual number of people who work in health care, education, and construction. Many have discovered that we are a wonderful bridge church for individuals and families with Roman Catholic and Protestant backgrounds.
What do you believe in?
Well, the Bible for starters. We believe the Old and New Testaments are the written Word of God and that Jesus Christ is the living Word of God. There is no substitute for the truth of the Scriptures or the immeasurable love of Jesus Christ. We also believe that everyone’s life has an amazing, God-given purpose. We are here to help each person discover that purpose.
Your motto is Real Faith for Real Life. Can you say more about that?
Real life can be difficult, even for Christians. Everyone walks his or her own journey through it. At St. Mark’s, we value walking through the real life experiences of this world with friends who share our hopes.
There’s also another way of thinking about real life. Jesus said, “I have come that you may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). He’s not talking about material wealth or success, but God’s intention for our lives. God wants all of us to experience the deep joy of knowing God’s love for us and our purpose in the world. This abundant life is Jesus’s to give-and it is ours to receive. We have found that we best receive God’s gifts to us when we are grounded in Scripture, connected to Jesus Christ, led by the Spirit, and lifted by prayer. These are the doors to experiencing God’s idea of “Real Life.”
It does, however, take faith. “Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6).
So our motto is really our goal: For people to have Real Faith for Real Life.
What are our church services like?
As people gather, there’s quite a bit of friendly, welcoming chatter. Once begun, the service takes on an air of reverent worship as we go through the liturgy of The Holy Eucharist or Morning Prayer from the The Book of Common Prayer.
Services usually last 75 minutes. People come dressed comfortably.
Whom do I contact if I would like to tour the area, visit with the pastor, or make an appointment to speak with any of the Ministry Team Leaders?
The office personnel will be happy to assist you in any way by directing you to the right person, making appointments, and answering any questions you may have about our events, ministries, or sacraments. Call (361) 994-0285.