
Lenten Soup & Study
Wednesdays, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.
In The Chosen Season 3, Jesus sends his disciples on their first missions, leading them to face new challenges and confront personal struggles as they grapple with their newfound spiritual gifts and the complexities of ministry. They encounter many issues like family reconciliation, unresolved pasts, and the growing crowds seeking Jesus's healing touch. This season delves deeper into the disciples' individual lives, exploring their doubts, conflicts, and personal burdens while showcasing Jesus's teachings on faith and compassion amidst increasing opposition from religious leaders and the Roman authorities, culminating in significant events like the feeding of the multitude and Jesus walking on water.
Key points about Season 3:
• Each apostle faces unique challenges, including Matthew's family estrangement, Simon Peter's marital issues with Eden, and Little James's unhealed disability.
• The season tackles themes like forgiveness, grief, the nature of faith, and the consequences of power.
• New characters like Veronica and Jairus, as well as the expansion of Jesus's ministries to different regions, are introduced.
• Major miracles are featured, like the feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus walking on water.
• Further exploration is provided into the backstories of characters like Simon the Zealot and his past with the Zealots.
People may watch The Chosen series by downloading The Chosen App from the Apple or Google store. The Chosen App may also be downloaded to your Roku, Firestick, or other devices.
Fr. Doug will provide a Guiding Question to keep in mind while watching each week’s episode as well as the name and number of the episode to watch.

Ministry in Partnership
with Timon's Ministry
Over the course of many years, St. Mark's has partnered with Timon's Ministry in various ways. Timon's goal "is to provide a hand up, empowering individuals to regain their strength, dignity, and ultimately, their place in the workforce." Our women's reunion group has discovered several ways to serve this community.
Members of the group have been volunteering their time at Timon's Ministry working in the Clothing Closet organizing items and visiting with people. The group has asked for help with their efforts through any of the following ways:
Donating band aids, bandages, and gauze
Donating clothing, especially men's shirts, jeans, or athletic shoes
Donating travel size deodorant, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, bars of bath soap, body wash
Donating toothbrushes
Donating items for to-go food bags: tuna and cracker packs, granola bars, chips, bottled water, etc.
Sorting clothing on Mondays from 8:45 - noon.
You may leave your donations in designated boxes located in the entryway to the sanctuary and in the fellowship hall. Contact Pam Cater at (361) 446-4498 for more information.

Adult Bible Study of the Gospel of Mark
All are welcome to join the Bible study. Come to one week, or come to them all. The class meets in the fellowship hall at noon and ends around 1:00 p.m. Grab a cup of coffee and some snacks, then head over to the designated tables to sit down.
New Chapters 13-16: