Fr. Doug Wasinger

Fr. Doug was born in April of 1969 in San Francisco and was baptized in the Episcopal Church as a baby. His earliest church memories were connected to the Episcopal Church. He grew up in Colorado Springs where his parents were active members of St. Michael's and later Grace and St. Stephen's Episcopal Churches. Sometimes, as they were growing up, his two younger brothers would play games with their parents to avoid going to church, and they often failed. However, during his high school and college years Fr. Doug's attendance in church was mostly limited to Christmas, Easter, and occasionally Mother’s Day. It was during his senior year in college, when he was invited for a bowl of chili, that he started his path toward the priesthood, and in 1997, at a dinner with the Bishop of Wyoming, Fr. Doug knew that God was calling him to serve in the Episcopal Church.
Fr. Doug married his wife Kellie on January 1, 2000 in Carr, Colorado. He attended the Episcopal Seminary of the Southwest in Austin, Texas from 2000 to 2003. In 2001, while still in seminary, he welcomed the first of their three daughters. One of his earliest memories of Corpus Christi is that of traveling from Austin with his growing family to visit North Shore Beach and to tour the U.S.S. Lexington during a winter break from seminary.
Fr. Doug spent 18 years in the Episcopal Diocese of Wyoming where he started as a Ministry Developer in Rawlins. Having a strong conviction of the spiritual importance of the Priesthood of All Believers, he chose to have his middle daughter baptized during his ordination service. Three other churches participated in the service as well.
In 2010, Fr. Doug received a call to serve as the Rector of St. Luke’s in Buffalo, Wyoming. There he also became an active member of the Buffalo community and served on various boards. As his daughters were growing up, he became involved in 4-H as a volunteer and served as the treasurer of the Johnson County Livestock Committee. Fr. Doug was also committed to helping with suicide prevention efforts in Wyoming, serving on the Suicide Prevention Coalition for most of his time in Buffalo. One of his greatest joys was participating in the expansion of the Bread of Life Food Pantry and making sure that this ministry addressed the essential need of caring for others during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fr. Doug brings 19 years of experience and knowledge to St. Mark’s in Corpus Christi and is excited about the next chapter of his ministry in this community. The signature baptismal fount in the entrance of St. Mark’s aligns well with his theology that an empowered church becomes the force which transforms lives in the world.
Fr. Doug enjoys a good story, meaningful conversations, laughter, and is a cheerleader at heart. If you are looking for a spiritual home with a congregation that believes in the power of the love of Christ which transforms lives, come to St. Mark’s and have your hope restored or strengthened. The welcome mat is out, our hearts are engaged, and we have a worship experience that is alive with an established liturgy.